Custom Webview HTML Error

Hi, I need to solve this problem, if the page does not load, for example, it is non-existent, so I would like to display a custom message instead of see below

Web page not available
The web page at
Could not be loaded because:


its not a WebViewr error its website error…put these block when page loaded event block…

I use CustomWebView and I need Screen2 or some message to open when the page is not available. I don’t want the user to see this: Web page not available
The web page at
Could not be loaded because:

Put condition that when url is equal to this website

then do this…

I specifically want if the page is not available then Screen2 will open, if the page is available it will remain on Screen1. But I don’t know how to do it using CustomWebView

I have these blocks now but even when the page loads it redirects me to Screen2. I need advice to show how to do it

use this block when page loaded…
if its not working :x:

then simply use kodular built-in
web component instead of screen initialize event…