This is the best Google Spreadsheet Till Now.
Created By - @Raja_HarshVardhanSolanki (Done some edits in script by @ikshefi)
Today, I wanted to give you a Script without any guide of it.
There are only one easy method to get your destination.
apiCommand that indicates which function you are use.
And it is easy to get sheet by name.
if(apiCommand == any of 18 function below)
then do function as wise apiCommand.
This new script have 18 functions.
Function added by @Raja_HarshVardhanSolanki is Denoted by added and rebuild.
- appendRow
(It is used to store row in csv format) you need to create a CSV of your data.
- getSheetNames(Added)(Work slowly but effectively)
- totalRows(Added)
- totalColumn(Added)
- deleteSheet(Added)
- deleteColumn(Added)
- deleteRow(Added)
- renameSpreadsheet(Added)
- setSheetName(Added)
- getSpreadsheetName(Added)
- deleteContainingRow(Deletes the row that containing a specific text | Not Working Now)(Added)
12.CreateNewSheet(Added) - getRow(Re-Build)
(Now we are talking about parameter
You need to pass some Parameters)
These all are called Parameters
data.parameter.renameSpreadsheetName is parameter
- getCell(Most awaited function)(Added)
- getColumn(Added)
- getRange
- setCellValue(Added)
- searchText
If you have any problem to implement the Script in app then contact to me from this topic only, I am always ready to help you all.
I don’t give a guide because i want to teach you all that How we can learn from ourselves?(Motivation to Koding).
This is the Script - GoogleCustomizedScript.txt (8.7 KB)
I created an app to test script
GoogleSpreadsheet.apk (5.4 MB)
Test App Screenshot:
Easy interface
Got Result:
As I tried GetRow function with my app see the result.
This is the Parameter for getRow
And this is the function that we are calling
Block that how you can get response from your sheet
This is the simplest of the simplest way to get responses till now.
If you need to add more parameter you can add like this.
This is how you can use Parameters like
I thank to @ikshefi to create this beautiful script and I Customized it.