CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

i’m sorry, I’m a beginner so I don’t understand the rules of this community.

I think with this extension it is possible. one of them is with the swipe command. but I don’t understand how to use it

Hi all
How set downloading enable bloks on customwebview… I have tried many ways and failed. I will upload my demo aia below

Please add downloading enable block and

Enable downloaded file can we listed and viewd under download file arrangement.

Webviewdownload.aia (77.2 KB)

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i download customwebview but i can’t see this block customwebview user agent green color in this extension plz help

From where did you download extension?

Is it possible to resume the WebView to users previous page. For example if my WebView home page is and a user was in when he/she exist the app without going back, or maybe the app crash or phone went off. Is it possible to return the user to without he or having having to go through the home page again.

I don’t understand how is it related to CustomWebView specifically.
You are supposed to just know about using Tiny DB on a beginner level and that’s more than sufficient.

Where can I learn how to use tiny db

  • Read tiny db related topics in community. (Here as well as in App Inventor community)

  • Watch YouTube tutorials.

A very good way to learn App Inventor or Kodular is to read the free Inventor’s Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook … the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book ‘teaches’ users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here and the aia files for the projects in the book are here:
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: .

Also do the tutorials Our Tutorials! to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor


Download Dir… = what Thing is Put ?? Please reply

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Most of the time my WebView, takes time to load, and sometimes makes the app to freeze for some minutes. My website is fully optimized. Please how can I make WebView load faster and more efficient.

Maybe check if you are handing js events correctly or not.
And if you are not then search in community you’ll find several examples.

Besides that there is nothing I can do.
Extension is open source so you can check yourself what is happening in the background and if there is an issue then fix it and create a pull request in repo. I’ll happy to merge it.

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How I add this html embed code ?

web.txt (859 Bytes)

custom webview will show the name label when going to any url, how can I do it like this?


Hello, I’m using the customwebview and it works well, I can now load images from the webview, which is what I needed, but I have a problem when the web page generates a notification via a javascript alert, it hangs, the customwebview does not display a js Alert? I have already tried to place the Jsalert dissmis in the onJSAlert block and I have had no solution.

You must show alert notification to user before dismissing it.


Can you please explain me these blocks.
I mean, url with headers block. How it works and what is the triggered event for this.

I did some scratch here are my blocks

Got error…

Can anyone help me in it?

It doesn’t work.