Daily Challenges - Reserve your spot

Just search daily challenge in the community. You will get the last/latest daily challenge number. I think it is 92 or 93 maybe

EDIT: Ok it is #96 as per @WatermelonIce’s reply :grin:

Search latest topic in daily challenegs

Yours should be 96


Thanks! I believe that mine should be 96, though.


Edited, oops


Of course it will last until tomorrow

Daily Challenge #96
Tip: You can see this topic it’s the first daily challenge it have all rules you need to know about daily challenge

And also search with the dailly challenge tag which must be in every challnege:

The challange has started!

I will be giving Daily Challenge #97

How much time is left for the DC #96 to finish?

It will finish today I think.

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At what time? Because here in India its 28 Aug11:21 PM

if you gave two days for the challenge then it should end by tomorrow (Aug 29, evening) I think.Correct me if I am wrong

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I will give DC #98.

Is it OK with everyone ?

Yes you can, but you have to tell the time. Else I will reserve 98. Thanks.

I will announce it 30 August IST

And time?

10 am IST.

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Because @Tekwizer daily challenge turned to a weekly challenge, therefore I now reserve Daily challenge #99

Time: 09:45 am GMT 2020-09-02T09:45:00Z

I am ready with the Daily Challenge #100, :wink:everything settled
Get ready will be out in few hours

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i can also try