Data from Text Box export to CSV

Hi all! I have a problem with append and save text to csv file.It’s my first step with such things as kodular. When I ran my app, I’ve got message: “Error 2106: Cannot write assept file at //CSV_file.csv”. What I’m doing wrong? How can I fix it? Please, help me!

Hi all! I have a problem with append and save text to csv file.It’s my first step with such things as kodular. When I ran my app, I’ve got message: “Error 2106: Cannot write assept file at //CSV_file.csv”. What I’m doing wrong? How can I fix it? Please, help me!

You cannot save to a file in the assets.

yes. Asset. Sorry)

Did you set permission? Then, Did you try in apk mode

Thanks for your attention! The mistake I made was that I use the wrong path. I just needed to use “/”, not “//”, before name =)

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