Error 201 After Update 1.5.5 (Camera did not return an Image)

there is no “real” solution, there are only workarounds, see the contributions in this thread
I now changed the category of this thread to #feedback:bugs probably this gets more attention from @Kodular

another thing you could try is to use a camera extension, for example

taken from the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


Waiting solution…
please, Kodular Team, we need help!

@KodularCreator @KodeBot @Diego


me too!
After 2 months of paying, I couldn’t update my app on play store because of this bug! I’m thinking of stopping until Kodular fixes it.

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Hey,I also facing same & want solution however I got ur way but couldn’t able to implement,Could you post some blocks regard same of delete of previous taken images?

I made this code according to previous posts but it still gives this error 201.

Cloudinary upload



it is Pictures and not Picture
see also


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I am just now trying this Kodular.
I am getting the same error 201. Has the kodular team fixed this bug ?

unfortunately not… concerning fixing bugs they are a bit sloooow… :snail:

Hello Kodular Team.

We are waiting solution for this error!


Giordano io non ho risolto neanche con l’update del companion 1.5B 2 Fenix! Spero che risolvino presto perchè ho alcuni progetti che devo concludere altrimenti passo a App Inventor 2…

Giordano I didn’t solve even with the companion update 1.5B 2 Fenix! I hope they fix it soon because I have some projects I need to finish otherwise I will switch to App Inventor 2…

Working, thanks

The camera bug is still there, are there any improvements about this bug? Thank you and good job to everybody

You can find the workarounds in this thread

Sorry for the question, but this photo error hasn’t been fixed yet? Thank you

??? Mm

Not I think it’s working fine for me but not for all users.

can you show all your block code, please

The blocks of the workaround you can find here


Thanks for this temporary solution. Its works in companion but does not works running the APK in ANDROID 12. I don’t know what to do… In Android 7, it works fine.


does the example apk file posted here

work for you?
