Error generating Yail for screen 5644758569451520_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'match' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again

You are so kind!
Thank you so much!

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TDLSMARTDOOR1.aia (412.6 KB)

Can you tell me how to adjust “Pink” color of Screen 1. I cannot find where to adjust it.
Thank you so much!

It is background image set for Screen 1.



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Omg, I am find a longtime, but cannot see it. Thanksss!

Can you tell me how to change name of Screen “ImportFB8C67”?
It is automatic set name. So very difficult to block code. Thank Amu@

Instead of going #off-topic you may search your queries in the community :mag:


news12.aia (4.2 MB)

solve my problem

Welcome to the community. If you have followed above post and opened with an editor you would have seen that minimum SDK was set to 18 instead of 19

news12_1.aia (4.2 MB)

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I have try the procedure, but there are still error. Can you help me to fix it?

Missing from project.settings


try this

I’ve imported this .aia file, but it’s still error and can’t be exported. can you help me again?

Try this, compiles with no errors

I have same problem and tried every suggestions but still not exporting.
MathQuiz (1).aia (240.9 KB)
I have downloaded this aia from community.​:+1:

Try this

MathQuiz_1.aia (240.9 KB)

Thanks, but where was problem I didn’t understand

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rtlSupport was missing from project.settings

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i tried this solution but it did not work @dora_paz

What didn’t work ? Post your aia if you wish

i import it in mit app inventor so exporting is successful

If project was created with MIT and imported to Kodular then you get that error