Error while uploading extension

Uh… I can’t upload any extensions into kodular…I’m using chrome browser…after I upload extension into kodular, it says "Extension Upgraded’, but then shows the message: “An internal error occurred.”

This is the bug report:
Technical Data to be Submitted:

notes = Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36
foundIn = 1.3C.2-Draco
faultData = (TypeError) : Cannot read property ‘highlightCaption’ of undefined
projectId = 6355973155323904

Extensions I tried to upload : (6.3 KB) com.ghostfox.moliata.ExtendedWebViewer…aix (14.6 KB)

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No need to worry . Just upload the extension & then Refresh the page. Please make sure that the extension you use is up to date.

I don’t know what is the problem to search community! I guess it took more than 5 mins to write this post. But, it takes only a few seconds to search community and get your problem solved!

I didn’t see any posts, can you point me to something related to this? I googled it, searched it in the forum, nothing.

oohh my bad:sweat_smile:

Notice: Web Viewer knows nearly everything what Extended Web Viewer does and Kodular does not support this extension (tried a year ago).