Expected a unique ID, got '10'

how to fix this?

Error Message

Code 1

Code 2

This is code for DynamicComponent

Please Help Me ;(
I’m so confused

Please show us what is printed on all global variables? How many items you get? Why don’t you default web block to parse the json?

The error clearly says you have used that I’d . You cannot give same id for different place

Check urself, something is repeating


initialize global


Are you creating Dyna component one by one?? What is the result of that web? Simple work you are making yourself tough it seems


i removed the DynamicComponent id after the user click enter

yes i use foreach

As I guess it is printing one by one. Can you provide me a testing aia here or in pm

ok, wait for me to send

Make sure how many components you are generating (note down the id) and check with one by one. You will easily found the spot

(post deleted)

since the user using two web blcoks, (2nd web need to call based on web1 result) so used clock component and created the dynamic component without error
also removed the json tool and used default dictionary block to prepare list

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