[F/OS] 🎁Bubble Tab Bar | Add cool navigation bar in your apps

the correct place to ask is here
and here is the author, who could respond, but probably disappeared?
not everyone is familiar with this extension


try uploading this in assets

Thanks, I’ll do it here and post the result.

I did as requested, downloaded the file, put it in assets but the icons still don’t appear.

maybe an issue with icon? this is what is use and works fine
try downloading this an adding in assets as it works for me


I did as you said but didn’t get any results. Downloading the icons: Material Symbols and Icons - Google Fonts

I’m sending the aia to see where the error is
bottom.aia (211.9 KB)

nothing is wrong. the aia you provided is completely working. the icons are displayed correctly.

So why don’t they appear on mine? I’m doing it for Companion. Do I have to download the Apk for it to work?

For me it works fine in companion as well as in .apk