[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

It looks like you’ve canceled a dialog before creating it.Can you show your blocks?
P.S : I don’t think this related with dynamic components extension

Is anyone other than me facing this :point_up: problem?

But if that so when I click on contacts fab which is cardview after that there is no error why

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I don’t know.Because I know nothing about your blocks :thinking:

here is the blocks
it is fab
blocks (10)

and thanks @Mohamed_Tamer i identified the reason

which is i am closing a dialogue which is not even created thanks again




How to Solve It. Anyone Online ?

Use MakeroidCardview instead of MakeroidCardView.

Can you elaborate.

I am using MakeroidCardView only. In screenshot you can see. And these script is generated from TemplateCreator.py

Use MakeroidCardview, with a lowercase v.

Ok will try. But i am not facing issue in generating Cards.

Te Issue is with using background color

Wait, my apologies! Don’t do that! Remove the quotes from the BackgroundColor property.

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You shouldn’t remove the quote as JSON only accept

String, boolean, Number and null. Other two are object and array.

If you don’t have the quote, error might occured.

This is one of the bug as I remember. In the previous version this doesn’t occurred because it parses to a number type. But apparently something changed.

Background Color only accepts integers. His result would be an integer so there should be no quotes.

@WatermelonIce this would be a temporary fix until a permanent fix was found.

Did you read my post.

He is using Schema, and he wants the color as an input.

According to @yusufcihan documentation, if you want to use parameter, you must follow this format:

(property name):"{(key)}"

I did read your post. According to the error (which would over @yusufcihan’s thought), it says to use an integer and not a string. They are getting the error, because as I said before (not sure if you read that part) the background color property only accepts integers.

If you’d like to test it and prove me right, please do so.

@WatermelonIce to much further back this claim up, they are using integers for other properties with no errors.

@WatermelonIce was correct, if you want to fix this temporarily you can probably copy & paste the integers of the colors by using Do it and typing them individually or you can use a Join text block. But using keys for colors in this case, seems impossible.

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If it’s a must to use color as input, I suggest you to downgrade to version 3 (1.3), because it worked very well.

I tried by removing quotes @hammerhai
It gives me Error. As json format will not remain valid as @WatermelonIce said.

So what should i do now. Can you guys suggest me.


Can you post example block for do it ?

If you can wait a few hours (I have to sleep) then I can give you an example.