[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

Please downgrade to 2.0 until a fix has been published.


No problem, i’m just learning how Schema works. It’s just a test. Looking forward to the new update. Keep up the good work! :+1:


Please help. If Dynamic Component contains
Vertical Arrangement

     - Horizontal Arrangement 1
        - other components
    -  Horizontal Arrangement 2
         - other components
     -  Horizontal Arrangement 3
        - other components

And I would like to remove Horizontal Arrangement 2 and other components under it. How can I do it?

Welcome, and your question is?


For the components under the horizontal arrangement, add an identifier so that you you know what component are from there. For example when you are creating those components, add HA1 or HA2 or HA3 as part of their ID and when you want to delete them, use:

When button delete HA1 got clicked:
for each used component ID, if ID contains HA1, remove component ID.

When button delete HA2 got clicked:
for each used component ID, if ID contains HA2 , remove component ID.

And so on.


Thank you for such a quick reply. However, when I remove, for example, HA1, the only HA1 component was removed, other component under HA1 still remain. Is there a way to read component id under HA1 ?

I try to use this block to read component id under HA1, but got an error.

By the way, I use Dynamic Component Version 2.0

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What I meant if that you add the HA(number) as part of the ID. For example, HA1Arrangement, HA1Label1, HA1Label2, HA1Space1, HA1Image1, HA1Label3 and when you want delete the Horizontal Arrangement 1, then you do: for each used ID, if ID contains HA1 remove it because it’s part of Horizontal Arrangement 1.


Thank you. It work. However, Is there a way to read component id under HA1 or read a schema of HA1?


Maybe but if there is, I don’t know how to do so yet: I haven’t learned the Schema part yet.


I congratulate you from my heart for the awesome extension.

  1. Is it possible to add a loading dialogue while the components are being created dynamically.
  2. I would like to know if there is any event possible to create an event saying “After Successful Creation of all Dynamic components”.

There is a block call AfterComponentCreated but I could not discovered how to execute that.

Thanx in advance.

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UsedIDs is only used when you want to get all UsedIDs in one particular Dynamic Component.

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How to put play icon over all dynamic vertical arrangements using this great extension.
Please​:tired_face::pray::pray::heartbeat: discuss

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@Supravat_Roy You already created a topic about this. Please wait for people respond to that topic

How to put PLAY ICON over all dynamic images?



Please tell me about it please​:tired_face::pray::pray::heartbeat:

Check topic which you created

for “Button” Component we easily found “when button 1 clicked” But how we can see “when dynamic component 1 clicked” Event.
Please​:tired_face::pray::pray::heartbeat: help

Use any component block to detect button click.

Which event I select.
Please tell


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I only found above ss

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