[F/OS] Recycler List View - Render larger data sets efficiently using `RecyclerView` for AppInventor & Distros

did you use the latest aix or the old one because from my end the latest is not working fo me

Where are you setting Data?

I was wrong but thanks to @dora_paz fixed the error for me

Something was messed in your project. Re creating works, see pm

no, i am using v1.0.0. i think this is enough for me.


Hello @zainulhassan I real appreciate for your extension keep it up good job

Only one thing I would like to know how to use one of these two Scroll Events
for example I want to load some data maybe 1000 data from airtable and then when user scroll to bottom then I load different data from Firebase etc etc, and add them to the list or remove the previous and add the new.

Kindly would you help us to know how we can use this and etc

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Can we make there auto center alignment…

use text alignment extension or set in properties TextAlignment to 1

It may be my fault, or I may not be able to understand.

But will the text alignment tool make the root components in the middle? Like lay-out, for example

Well, you can use the above said TextAlignment to align for the components like, button, label and text boxes. If you want to align layout mean, use Set Align horizontal property value to 3


Not working :frowning:

No not like this, What is your Root component?


I think I understood …First you can’t set properties on the root…

Secondly, we must first use Block On Create to create layout that contains the elements

I’m right ?

for any layout , please set properties in Oncreate event itself… Onbind event try to add text part property alone… Else for about 10k items you are setting layout property in Onbind view, (I experienced with SetStrokeWidth and color ) On scrolling down the component get deviated…

Hello @zainulhassan I keep appreciating your recycler List View aix because it is wonderfull faster to get data I believe you are going to make kodular owner and all staffs to be proud of this platform because your extension will be the #1 best among the other Dynamic List view aixs

This is the reason for asking this

As you see this screenshot I am able to create a group chat which I use Firebase on Data Change event

With your Recycler List View aix I can create a chatting app like Telegram or WhatsApp and etc, to get data instantly.

Please @zainulhassan if you get time kindly update the extension with add new data when user scroll so that I can accomplish my idea of Chat group with Firebase

if you update the version with new data add, I will provide a guide on how to create a chat group app using your Recycler List View with Firebase

Happy koding and coding


Hello Plz Help Me Im Creating Clock Component Through Recycler Listview Extension…

Great extension , Loved that snaphelper feature :ok_hand:

how can i set Card view width property as Fill Parent. I tried using Dictionary component key and Value. I set Key as Width and Value as -2 but it didn’t work. Please take a look at my blocks. Btw Great Work @zainulhassan

Instead of -2 just use screen width

Avoid space in all key place else it will throw error or won’t work

FullClickable is correct butt Full Clickable is wrong

Well I used screen Width but it didn’t work.

and i didn’t get any error.
Also Please tell me can i add margin also.