Failed resolution of : lcom/google/android/gms/safetynet/safetynet;

error didn’t come but… firebase authentication doesn’t work… (OTP Authentication)…

I never said it would start working as soon as you add ReCAPTCHA component.
There might be several other libraries/classes missing.
Ask Kodular about that.

I got that… I’m just asking that like recapta error goes… like that something way that firebase authentication works…

I’m using firebase authentication and facing the same problem. Help me uploading some example in my PM on its uses…

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same problem

"failed regulation of: Lcom/google/android/gms/safetynet/SafetyNet;

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If you have a premium account then I can provide a solution.

@pavi2410 i need will you fix that please!!3

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by using this extenion will it work ?

That extension pretty much equivalent to Firebase Authentication component.
There is no need to use both of them together.
However, my extension surely won’t give any runtime error if used without Auth component.

any solution?

same problem

Failed resoulution of : lcom/google/android/gms/safetynet/safetynet; - #30 by Avishek_Mondal

Login Failed

Phone Number Sign In

A potential solution has been provided.

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Have you removed Firebase Auth component?

Could you please post the correct model steps blocks for the aulth firebase, from FSA?

The only different thing is initialisation.
For that you will find all the required credentials in google-services.json file.

After adding the FSA extension, my app started to close by itself simply because I went to another screen, and I spent days analyzing why it was returning a class error of some incompatibility with GoogleMaps that was on another screen, but only if I was with "Call Google Maps .Enable My Location Enable, in Map is Ready, which I need to leave activated, then I have to choose, either I use the FSA Login or the My Location Method. Both together in the App are not possible!
blocks google

It is possible.
Pm me apk with Google maps.

I Used FSA extension but app automatically closed on open