FileTools : Some tools to work with files

I saw this and i tried but after this also it is unable to acess Android/obb
I want to just rename files in obb with my app

Thanks, seems to works like a charm here to verify and delete the file

how to copy assets file to storage

use the Copy method…
remember: you only are able to copy to shared storage, see also the overview



How do I get the content of a file back so I can show it to
the video player

I didn’t see an option for adding a file. Could that maybe be added?
If that’s what a directory is for, let me know.

That feature is not available in this extension, as you can use the File component.

Why android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_FILES is asked is it dangerous ?

see you other trhead in the App Inventor community Pick Pdf file on Android12 - #38 by Abbas_Gasri - MIT App Inventor Help - MIT App Inventor Community
please do not crosspost… first choose a builder and then only ask in that community… thank you…

A post was split to a new topic: How can i upload any file and send to direct email

Hey guys,

First I would like to congratulate vknow360 for the initiative to create this extension that should even be native to Kodular!

I’m having trouble creating a folder on my smartphone’s sdcard (Android 8.1)
In Companion I am using it to create a Folder through “Create Directory” /sdcard/Posto and I see that it creates a folder sdcard/Posto in the internal storage
Also I can’t copy anything to that folder by “Copy File”

I ask for everyone’s help

The external removable sdcard is only readable, see also How do I download to SD card?


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Thank you for answering me, Taifun

But, how do I copy files to a folder created in the internal storage of the smartphone by the File Tools extension of member vKnow360 ???
It’s not working in my project!!!

I’m wanting to make a “backup” of some file that would be to an sdcard or in an internal storage folder

Thanks from Brazil

Follow the Some basics on Android storage system

What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks?


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Hi guys

follow my blocks…

Try to backup to shared storage rather than /Android/data/Comb


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Hello Taifun,

The destination folder is exactly this… /Android/data/Comb, but it doesn’t work :frowning:

I am copying an image file as a test, but the folder is created and the file is not copied.

In fact, I want to copy the table file created by SQLite to another location and then be able to restore it to the app folder.

Taifun… . .

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