[FREE] Advanced List Manipulation

Advanced List Manipulation

Introducing the Advanced List Manipulation Extension, a versatile tool designed to enhance your Android applications with advanced list manipulation capabilities. This extension empowers you to perform a wide range of operations on lists, making it a valuable addition to your app development toolkit.


With the Advanced List Manipulation Extension, you can:

  • Remove Duplicates: Remove duplicate elements from a list, returning a new list with duplicates removed.
  • Sort List: Sort a list in ascending order, returning a new list sorted in ascending order. Supports both text and numeric elements.
  • Sort List Descending: Sort a list in descending order, returning a new list sorted in descending order. Supports both text and numeric elements.
  • Get Sublist: Get a sublist of a list, specifying a range of indices. Returns a sublist of the given list within the specified range.
  • Reverse List: Reverse a list, returning a new list with elements reversed.
  • Swap Even and Odd Elements: Swap even and odd elements in a list, returning a new list with even and odd elements swapped.
  • Shuffle List: Shuffle a list randomly, returning a new list with elements shuffled randomly.
  • Remove All Occurrences: Remove all occurrences of a specific element from a list, returning a new list with all occurrences of the specified element removed.
  • Split List Into Groups: Split a list into smaller groups of a given size, returning a list of sublists with the specified group size.
  • Count Distinct Elements: Count the number of distinct elements in a list, returning a list of pairs, each containing a distinct element and its count.
  • Merge Lists Alternately: Merge two lists alternately into a single list.
  • Count Element Occurrences: Count occurrences of a specific element in a list, returning the count of occurrences.
  • Find Common Elements: Find common elements between two lists, returning a list of common elements found in both input lists.
  • Get ASCII Table: Get the ASCII table within a specified range, returning the ASCII table within the specified range.
  • Swap Elements: Swap two elements at specified positions in a list.
  • List Intersection: Find the intersection of two lists.
  • List Difference: Find the difference between two lists.
  • List Union: Perform the union of two lists.
  • List Slice: Return a slice of a list.


The Advanced List Manipulation Extension provides a variety of blocks to enable you to manipulate lists effectively. Here are some of the key blocks:


You can download the Advanced List Manipulation Extension AIX file here (V 1.1):
io.advancedlist.aix (18.2 KB).

Your support is greatly appreciated. If you find this extension valuable and wish to contribute to its development, you can make a donation here.

Example Project

Explore the capabilities of the Advanced List Manipulation Extension by downloading the example AIA file
AdvancedList.aia (22.4 KB).

Hello fellow developers,

I’m excited to share the AdvancedList.java file with all of you. This file contains the core code for our Advanced List Manipulation Extension, a powerful tool for working with lists in Android app development. I believe that open collaboration can help us make this extension even better.

Feel free to review the code, make improvements, fix any issues, or extend its functionality. Your contributions and feedback are highly valuable.

You can find the AdvancedList.java file at this [AdvancedList.java|attachment]
AdvancedList.java (16.3 KB).

Let’s work together to create a top-notch list manipulation extension for the developer community. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Click here to access my new public group on Telegram.


Nice work man :+1:


Nice work but similar extension already exists in the community.


There is a huge difference @The_K_Studio
The extension you are pointing at is free to use. You get the .aix file, a verbatim copy.
This extension is open source, you get the .aix file and the java source code.


Nice work, thanks for the source code

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Remove all occurence block not working

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Can you list the ones you found?

List View is showing elements with text ^Empty^

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if its not working…you can do this wdout any extension
you can use loop then you got filter list…

use for each item in list block with is item in list block or contains text block