[Free] Coffee Shop UI Design with listview and Overlap

A UI Design for case studies.

Theme: Coffee Shop

Extensions used:

Download aia: UI_Coffee.aia (3.4 MB)

Download APK (API +23): UI Coffee.apk (9.6 MB)


Beautiful ui, good job :+1:

Providing an apk along with aia(already provided) would be good, so that the user can see the actual results on their respective device

I’ll provide the APK, Thanks

Good job man, this looks so good.

Thanks :blush:

Nice ui keep it up.

Please aia files

Bellow the banner :smile:

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Awesome UI. New Idea :heart:
Which tool did you use to make the image in the first post?

I used Canva

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Beautiful Design :heart_eyes: @Thiago