good work !
version 1.5.0 is not downloading update server
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How to know the offset of the end of the list?
I have made a scroll ball with a canvas and I need it to move when the user scrolls through the list. I can get the current scroll offset, but how do I know the maximum offset so I can calculate the position that I need to tell the ball where to move to?
Thank you!
There is no way to find maximum offset. However, maybe I could add a scrollbar property in next update of extension.
Ok, that’s rather not so good, but thank you anyway.
What’s that offset exactly? How is it determined? Is it connected to pixels and therefore depending on screen size and resolution?
That’s a kind idea, however, I have made my own custom scroll bar with canvas and sself-designed sprite. Therefore, I need to work with the offset.
You could download the extension from the above links :
There is something wrong in getaix when downloading the extension. Maybe @Jerin_Jacob should look into this.
That’s great so far, but what do you do with the scroll ball
when CustomListview1.Scrolled
I made my workaround this way:
is calculated by
Screen1.Height x some_constant
, I tried around until I found a sutitable value. However, this is just a workaround, I would like to know how the offset is calculated so I can implement it correctly.
Where does the “offset” value come from? How is it determined and calculated?
I’m still fishing in the murky…
Thank you
Ciao, ho riscontrato un problema, abilitando lo swipe verso destra con sfondo rosso, lo sfondo non cambia colore ma resta trasparente, inoltre, facendo swipe verso destra per eliminare un componente, l’applicazione si chiude se nella lista sono presenti più di un elemento. Qualche suggerimento?
Hi, I have encountered a problem, enabling the swipe to the right with a red background, the background does not change color but remains transparent, furthermore, by swiping to the right to delete a component, the application closes if there are more than one element in the list . Any suggestions?
the official language of this community is English… I translated your post for you… please follow the rules next time… thank you…
Hi sumit
Listview not showing all the elements from the list i have assinged.
Can you please check with, its causing major problem
How to load different image in the seam list help me plz0