Hello @Jerin_Jacob
First of all a beautiful and amazing extension.
Just one request that as shown in the video(as i have not used it yet), in order to open and select any sub-item we need to click and drag over that item. Instead will it possible to open the menu and it’s sub-item using one click only?
I used this extension in one of my apps. It is a small app where you draw your signature on the screen and save it like a transparant png or an svg file. It is using a very advanced canvas extension. DrawingCanvas Extension - ExtensionDevelopment - AppyBuilder
I made it using another builder but just compiled it in Kodular and it is working great.
You can try making the language change at the start of the screen, before creating the buttons. When changing languages, you should close the screen and reopen it, and the buttons with the selected language should appear. Of course they use tinyDB