[FREE] PDF View Extension

PDFView Extension

Introducing the PDFView Extension, an advanced tool tailored for enhancing PDF viewing and editing functionalities in your Android applications using Kodular Creator. This extension not only allows seamless management and interaction with PDF documents but also integrates with Canvas for editing capabilities, ensuring a dynamic and engaging user experience.

Note: Ensure your environment is properly set up within MIT App Inventor or Kodular Creator for optimal use of the extension.


With the PDFView Extension, you enjoy:

  • Open and Display PDF Files: Open and display PDF files from various sources effortlessly.

  • Interactive Viewing Experience: Zoom, navigate, and interact with PDF pages seamlessly.

  • High-Quality Rendering: Experience high-resolution rendering for clear, crisp viewing.

  • Customizable Viewing Options: Adjust and tailor the PDF viewing experience, including options for rotation and display settings.

  • Edit PDFs with Canvas: Unleash your creativity by editing PDFs directly on the Canvas component, adding an extra layer of interactivity and customization.


Explore a variety of blocks provided by the PDFView Extension to enhance your PDF-related applications:

AIX and AI Files

Your support is greatly appreciated. Contribute to its ongoing development and innovation PDFView Extension donate here.

Example Project

For any questions or support, connect with us on Telegram.

Note: Your financial support drives the development of high-quality, innovative extensions. Donate here!


Thank you for your contribution
Please remember the naming conventions…
Please no underscores!

For example in_min → inMin
etc etc


Jeez! There is always a method that goes unnoticed. :sweat_smile:

Sorry, can you tell me where the underline is?..

I found! I ended up forgetting! Thanks for reporting.

Updated blocks!

I didn’t receive donations but I made the project free.

Support online pdf via link?? Without download

How is that even possible?

I implemented it to read documents offline

Can it loads assets pdf files?