I saw many users asking questions related to Pdf.
So in this guide I am going to tell you that how you can open pdf in your app without any extension.
First of all thanks to @Taifun for guide on his website. https://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#2pdf
Actually who is bringing Apps from others platform need to change the package name to continue using the same publication on Play Store. I’m thinking about. Thanks for the answer.
your example will work only on your development device, because the activity starter is not able to access files from the assets of your app
therefore you first have to copy them to the internal sdcard and access them from there
To open those PDFs, you have to copy the file from sdcard to a hidden .folder (create a new in internal storage) and remove the spaces from its name (TaifunPDF foes NOT support spaces in name!).
Hello! I am using option 3: Load a PDF online from URL but the pdf is not downloading. I’m new to kodular and I don’t know if I missed something or if I need to make a new page to open the pdf. Thanks
I need to send a pdf file of my arrangement created to my “/ storage / emulated / 0 /” directory, by whatsapp, email etc.
Use ActivityStarter as SEND, but when I use the test on the kodular it opens a normal guide for sending, but when I install the apk, it does not open this guide to send the produced pdf.
i have a 4g network,and check wifi also,its same problem after 3-4 click then load file, i used 3 pdf link to load one webviewer with different button,then show the correctly block?