Galaxy 1.0.1 - A click toggler 🥳

Yes, the type of components is limited to arrangements, mainly because about no other component besides the card view component, can have other views as their children. Of course if you’d like other components to be allowed, I can take a look into it!

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Have BUG, work only in companion/
apk error

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
________Invoking ApkBuilder Failed to add /tmp/1628152904852_0.9996644494090617-0/youngandroidproject/…/build/tmp/classes2.dex
YAIL compiler - ApkBuilder failed.

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This isn’t a bug, it’s because you have extensions that contain the same library. Do some searching on the community and you’ll find the solution, don’t reply anymore about it here, find a relevant topic instead.

error in your extension, no other extensions…


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Well, my extension doesn’t use any libraries.

Version 0.1. worked, new not

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:package: Galaxy 1.0.1


:bug: Fixed

  • When building your project, an ApkCreationException would be thrown. Your project would fail to build.

    :loudspeaker: Thank you @sergii for reporting this issue!


:skull: End-of-Life


Today I’m announcing the discontinuation of :milky_way: Galaxy. All versions of Galaxy will remain available however maintenance, major, and minor patches will be concluded.

Thank you for using Galaxy in your projects.


:octopus: Nathan


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