Generic Discussion about Kodular Premium

Shifting the topic– why not provide some extensions as built-in components, for example more popular extensions such as Phase.

You could receive permission from the developer to add it to Kodular then update it when a new version is released, while still leaving ownership to the developer. Or, as an alternative, host a GitHub repository where extensions and their metadata (?) are added through pull requests.

For example, if I were to submit a pull request to said repository, the file structure would look somewhat like this…

  • com.github.hammerhai
    • com.github.hammerhai.extension.aix

These would be in extension format, but would have to be considered built-in components somehow. Should the developer not feel sure about providing source code, this still allows their extension to be “featured.”


Why would Kodular do this if the intention is to bring more users that use extensions to upgrade to premium plan?

If we think as users, there is no sense limiting to 10 apps or 5 extensions for app. The only reason for these limitations at free plan with almost no time to adapt is make the users upgrade to premium.


Yes and like Baserow internal extension!
Why Spreadsheet is integrated only… We need baserow database in kodular component not as extension
Also phase and text alignemnt
Kodular dynamic component it is not useful at all!! All user need in this case to add extension like dynamic component extension 2.2.2 or recycler extension.


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‘‘Commissionable Google Ad Manager components + all other non-commissionable monetization components’’
What does all the other monetization components mean?
Are you saying that the admob components will be back?


I would recommend rolling out a reasonably bug-free update first before making any premium offerings. (And why, by the way, in such a hurry?)


In this update, plz let’s fix battery percentage display bug, add more block for scroll arrangement and text box,

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This is one point I do agree on with you @bodymindpower, why rolling it out in a week? Why not make much-needed changes beforehand?

It seems like this comes after people not being happy with the revenue they’re getting from advertisements. No?


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I use facebook ads, would the facebook components also get updated ? They have been ignored for some time.

Another feature request in premium atleast, The Kodular releases need to be staged. You will need to bring in test environment where you can release and clarify any issues before releasing to production version.

This will help the developers plan and fix any issues with their apps or raise concerns with the update.

What is happening right now is, out of the blue an update is done (with no prior notice). The details of the update comes only after a day or two. By then if the developer has compiled the project and published in playstore, everything goes south.

Hope you understand, I am not against the updates for kodular, it is just to plan and inform in advance, have a test environment for developers to test (if possible).



if there is no AdMob with Bidding then Facebook Audience Network is also useless. and AdMob and Facebook are the only 2 top advertizers others are useless.

Take $5 instead of 3.5 and just add AdMob with Bidding

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I don’t think they will ad AdMob with Bidding

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I am ready to pay even $10 a month. but the thing is I want AdMob with Bidding.

ELse I think this update is moreover useless for existing devlopers.


Hi, please increase the Extension limit to unlimited or 20 each application. Im not using any ad component and dont want to earn money with my app. But Kodular is great which is very easy to build amaze apps


If there is no commission on premium then why is approval necessary?


We also wanted this for Google Ad Manager. In this update, there is nothing for people who are already using GAM.


Can we conclude that Kodular is not “ALWAYS FREE” anymore?


Do you really think the best time to launch a subscription is after being dead silent for months with no updates?


5MB and 5 extension limit is a joke…


The extension limit is a terrible idea while we already pay % of ads commission.