Getting Runtime error using Airtable


i m using Airtable :airtable: and not all the time but the app give a Runtime error With a Message
lenght=; index=0 And only one message but same 9 Messages Overlays Each other with same Runtime Error!!
Please give Any Solution!!


Send a screen shot of it

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Can you show your blocks?

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Thats my blocks!! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Here is ScreenShot


Anyone Please Help i m Getting these Errors Again and Again

Is it happens when screen initialize?
Did you tried by removing airtable blocks?
Check your API,Table name etc .
Check column name is correct and contains element.

Yes it happens on Screen inetilizing.
If I will remove airtabke then the app has no mean.
All the API and table name are set as this error does not seems all the time but ( example only )3 times of total app run 10 times.

I m sure it is due to Airtabke as the same error was there on :appybuilder: when I was using spreadsheet.
