Google play error: To release an update to your app, update the target API level by August 31, 2024

If you weren’t paying attention, there is a topic set at the beginning that refers to that.

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Please update in app billing component also
And what us the expectation date???

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this method works as a charm for API 34. I updated apk and then make aab from the phone and update my app.


Hey please update the builder fast we cant wait more. Please at least provide any expectation date please


2 posts were split to a new topic: App rejected because of issues in app experience

what Google said here Meet Google Play's target API level requirement  |  Android Developers

So let me quote the most important parts from that link

Starting August 31 2024:

  • New apps and app updates must target Android 14 (API level 34) or higher to be submitted to Google Play


You will be able to request an extension to November 1, 2024 if you need more time to update your app. You’ll be able to access your app’s extension forms in Play Console later this year.

Today is July 17th.
So if you get an error and you are not able to proceed, ask Google what is going on and ask them to follow their own rules they defined there



When will come the api 34 update


They told me on the discord channel that they are working on it :wink:


An extension can be requested in the Google Play console until November 1 and they grant it to you without problems.


8 posts were split to a new topic: Fatal Exception: java.lang.SecurityException One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified

any update about sdk 34?


You can request additional time until kodular update the SDK

Do this for all your apps, one by one


Update third party SDK policy


What’s date of release api level 34 update in koduler


A post was merged into an existing topic: Fatal Exception: java.lang.SecurityException One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified

When will be released new update no one is talking abouth the update. Should we move to the other builder please at least give sny expectation date.


I know there’s no official update from Kodular or App Inventor for API 34. My tool, DevzStore, can enable API 34 with just one click. Yes, there’s a charge its because of server and automation task i do that make it one click solution, but many users have already published their apps successfully.

Try it out if you’re tired of waiting.
visit my website -
visit communtiy post - API 34 tool : Devzstore


Are you only changing things in the manifest?


No, Not only manifest,
First I Decompile apk
then i do changes in manifest
recompile with android latest jar using apktool
then sign apk and zipalign it.

it all done automatically in series.

even user can directly generate signed aab with api34

  • Introduction We can start by explaining the annual release cycle. Google generally announces new versions of Android at Google I/O, which takes place in May. After that, they release beta versions for developers over several months.

  • Stable Version The stable version is usually released around July, August, or September. This release includes a new API level so that developers can take advantage of the new features of the operating system.
    Google Console Message
    Status: You will not be able to publish app updates.
    Sent Date: July 4, 2024.
    Deadline: October 31, 2024 (Extension granted).
    Violation: The app must target Android 14 (API level 34) or a later version.

  • Extension Granted As you can see in the details of the message sent by Google, it allows extending the waiting time in your panel until August 31. However, I have noticed that even after this period, you can update your app without issues.

  • Alternatives
    Third-party Applications: To change, for example, in the manifest target SDK to 34, but changes in behavior and new functions must be considered. You can refer to the official Android documentation for more details: Android 14 Documentation.
    Other Builders: Thunkable or Niotron that already have the update to API 34.
    Flutter and Dart: Learning Flutter and Dart will allow you to create more personalized and scalable applications for Android, iOS, and other platforms. Additionally, Flutter offers high performance and a rich user experience due to its ability to compile native code. You can start with the official Flutter resources: Flutter Documentation. Flutter Documentation.