Google sign in error

I am getting error for login failed in sign in with google i have connected it to the firebase.
I dont know why

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yes i have done all
does fingerprint thing in app in firebase mendatory.

Hi everyone !
I am getting error in singing in with google i have not getting replied if fingerprint in fire base in compulsary or not.

Hi everyone
I want to ask is fingerprint thing needed in fire base to activate google sign because I am getting error I have asked this earlier also but no one replied

can you show your blocks?

Yes here it is.

You cannot phone number via goohle sign in… Other things you can get

thanks let me try

its still showing the error

please help me with this

I am getting error in singing in with google i have not getting replied if fingerprint in fire base in compulsary or not.
I am getting error in singing in with google i have not getting replied if fingerprint in fire base in compulsary or not.

Delete this block and try

let me try

btw is the fingerprint hing in firebase compulsary.

is it mendatory?

its still not working.

plz help me fix the error

I am getting error in singing in with google i have not getting replied if fingerprint in fire base in compulsary or not.
I am getting error in singing in with google i have not getting replied if fingerprint in fire base in compulsary or not.

plz reply .