(Guide) Faster Google Spreadsheet Login/Signup System With Query Function

Hello friends, today i am going to provide you faster google spreadsheet login/signup system with query function. this is a faster way to create google spreadsheet login system in your app. Thank you.

Note:- My english is not good so please adjust :smile: :smile:

Release date2022-04-19T18:30:00Z
Developed By App Helper

Click to visit our youtube channel

Login Page & Signup Page:-

Some important block images

use this trick to check is user gmail / phone number exist or not in your google spreadsheet database.

After this you need to use this method for checking details:-

For use this aia you need to download our google spreadsheet helper extension

Spreadsheet Helper Extension:- com.apphelper.spreadsheethelper.aix (13.7 KB)

For Get This Aia Watch This Video:- Google spreadsheet query function login/signup system app aia for kodular. - YouTube

Thank You

What makes it โ€œfasterโ€ than sending a query directly to a google sheet using the web component?

Why did you not include the HTTP GET in your extension ?

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amigo me sale un error en doGet codigo 2 y codigo 11

Official language of our community is Englishโ€ฆ pls translate it into English and post again