Help for new app for database

I make a plan to make a gambling type app (doesn’t publish on playstore).
I want two buttons in app and when some user click on red button and some users click on black button . So i want to app to analyse in which button user click least .

For example - if there are 10 total users . If 6 users click on red button and 4 users click on black button so i want to app gave choose least users (means 4 users who click on black button get some points ) and red button users points cuts.

I hope you all understand plz help me i am new in kodular. And i want this app online database

What have you done so far? Show your blocks etc.


No i was think about that but i am confuse for the procedure for this process . How to do it only gave idea

you can use any onlne database


Any database should be good for this. As users are clicking on buttons save them to database and then at a certain time decide who to give points and who to reduce.

Better way should calculate points till yesterday.