Help with auto image slider (Banner Images)

Hello Koders!

I needed to show images (only 10 images) which automatically slide in screen every 3 second

What i have tried so far

  1. I used Clock component to automatically slide my image (Database tried Airtable & FB) it’s working fine but only problem is whenever the image changes my custom webview lags for few seconds that means every 3 seconds i get lag

  2. I tried with collintree slideshow extension but it has an bug in which when someone touch the image it will close the application

  3. Currently using Horizontal Scroll handler extension with clock component with airtable database and show it in dynamic card view it’s works great with no lags but the problem is it takes 15-20 seconds to load the images

I changed database to firebase now it takes 9-12 seconds (showing it in button image with horizontal scroll handler)

I thought if i cache image it will solve the problem but I tried and it didn’t work

I’m trying to use asyncimageloader by collin but i don’t it’s not working well

I just want to decrease the load time when screen initialize

Even cache image option is also fine

P.S. I’ve read almost all the topics available for slideshow and if i missed something please let me know I’ll read it

Thank you :blush:

use webview, and search google with “auto slide codepen” - if you need, i can give u a web with auto slide.

Did you mean Something like this?

Please share!

Thank you

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that’s right !

i tried it but the problem is, it does not fit in my custom size!
height 30%
width fill parent

also the slider is not working only images are showing!

  1. search google with keyword “responsive auto slider codepen”
  2. the slider is not working => save html and upload to freehost.

what about the size?

Design in kodular, width fill parent or 100%
Height belong to you.
Html is responsive so it auto fit.
i’ve made and it work.

can you please share the code and block image?

i’m having little trouble making it work!


web link

Have you checked this

yes i did tried!

but the view pager extension is not working anymore!

Error from Companion: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lyt/DeepHost/ViewPager_Animation/PageAdapter;

this is the error i get

Support about Deephost’s extensions aren’t allowed in the community. Contact the developer

i dont need extension support
i’m just looking for an method to show my images in a slideshow!

Have you tried what @Decoder_360 suggested ?

Just saw that above example uses deephost’s extension. If you wish to try it you have to get latest version of extension and update it in project. Also you have to update dynamic components extension because example aia uses v4

Latest extension is not available!

i just want to cache the image so i can decrease my app loading time in future

currently using horizontal scroll handler extension with clock

Why not load all the images at screen start?
I did it using firebase just have a loading screen at app start and hide it when database catches the data everything should be ready for you to use with no lags

i’m using that and because of that i’m getting loading time of 9-12 seconds every time user opens the app