Help with my simple app permissions issues on play store

I just built an app that navigate to youtube, display website, send email only, and make call out only. I am having issues with google cos the app is saying it can collect user data and stuff. Please how do i ix this so i can publish the app?

what exactly was the message you received from Google?
which components and extensions are you using?


Hi Developers at zion1000,

I have only activitystarter and phonecaller to make calls out and send email to designated email address.

Thanks for contacting the Google Play team about your app RapecLife, io.kodular.amsogodded2.RapecLive.
“Publishing Status”) Publishing status: Rejected
After review, your app has been rejected and wasn’t published due to a policy violation. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.
Issue: Violation of Permissions policy
After reviewing your app, we found that it doesn’t qualify to use the requested permissions for the following reason(s):

  • Requested permissions do not match core functionality of the app
    You declared Default Phone handler (and any other core functionality usage while default handler) as the core functionality of your app. However, after review, we found that your app does not match the declared use case(s). Learn more about [permitted uses]

Eligibility Issue
Sensitive permission
Your app does not qualify for use of the requested permissions. Permission requests should make sense to users. You may only request permissions that are necessary to implement critical current features or services in your application. You may not use permissions that give access to user or device data for undisclosed, unimplemented, or disallowed

You can use activity starter to make phone call instead of using the Phone Call component


Thank you so much, you just solved a big headache for me. Thank you again. Your solution worked as the privacy issue did not come up after the change. App waiting for approval. Bless you.


Happy to know that it helped you :slightly_smiling_face:

And im happy to let you know the app has already been approved on play store. Thank you much!

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Congratulations. Hope it does well for you.

Hiz I have not used a phone call or texting component then too they ask me to fill the permission forms for SMS and phone calls and it says I can’t leave it empty, the last I filled any one I got the same message that @Zion_Godded got… Please help


Extensions - dynamic components, file picker, phase animations, kI04 Base64 and graphic design
Components - file, clock, device utilities, map, snack bar, web, notifier, sidemenu layout, floating button, bottom sheet, rating bar, radio buttons, checkboxes, lottie, tinydb, chatview,vertical scroll arrangement, horizontal scroll arrangement, table arrangement, space, datepicker, imagepicker, timepicker, sharing

None of these need call permission, then why Play Store say :thinking:

Which ones?

Sorry auto correct done a huge mistake None to Nine :rofl::rofl:

First time I had applied it for publishing , i had used phone call, texting , phone number picker and contact picker component, but when i got the eroor message from playstore, I removed them and when i re-uploaded the apk, then too it asks me for atleast one permission for call and SMS

Check properly that you have removed all that components.

Also datepicker, imagepicker and sharing compoents

checked, i have already removed them

I would need to publish it before August 3 and i don’t know what to do now :pensive:

Can you print here the exact message you are getting? @Soham_Shah