How can I add Seen and delivered and sent chat status system like whatsapp

How can I add Seen and delivered and sent chat status system like whatsapp. In this when the customer service/Chat Status is “online,…” the show all the user chat status delivered. and if customer service/Chat Status is “online, userid (me1) - example” the me1 all chat message status should be Seen and if customer service/Chat Status is “Offline,…” the new messages chat status value should be update and set to Sent, like this I want to update each Chat status values according to customer service/Chat Status. Kindly help me out
Here some image which I want to update

firebase caht sa

I want to update all chat messages status value if user id matches
chatt update firebas

What I understand is that you want to make online and offline status for each user and if user is offline and someone sends a message it should be marked as sent. And if user is online you want to mark it as seen. is that correct ?

Wait I will explain you in example Customer service/Chat Status is a customer support agent and if user, means a customer send message in that chat (Help Live chat) then if my agent which is customer support agent is offline then customer message which is being sent by customer, chat message status will be sent and if my agent is online in app but busy with another customer then then previous customer message status will be update and set to be delivered and if my agent click on that customer and viewed message then it should update to seen, like that help live chat supports like other apps,

Hope you understand, My english is worst :sweat_smile:

I think there is no blocks option of sent,seen,delivered in kodular built-in chatview component.

Maybe it can possible with recycler list extension, but i dont know how to make chat app using recycler list or dynamic components.

BTW i was made an app and in which i tried to add this feature but i used custom chatview extension.

I think you want to like this

is there any block to update list value by index
It will help me to do that sent,seen,delivered

can you send me aia file of it

No, because there is reason. This app is published on playstore.
But i can send you only the chat screen .ais

ok :smiling_face_with_tear:,
is there any block to update list value by index
It will help me to do that sent,seen,delivered

In kodular built-in component no.

I will send you export screen than you can import this screen to your project

firebase caht sa
I want to update thta Chat History chat index list

But you need to change firebase url and api key

Do you have telegram ?

no @Zain_Work

Ok i can just send you chat screen not whole aia.
You can import this screen to your builder and make changes as you want​:slightly_smiling_face:. I just added voice msg feature.

0k it will be helpful for me :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

Like this

Ok I know, …

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For now my laptop is off when i turn on it than i will send you admin aia and chatscreen ais

ok, I will wait for your response :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: