How can i open a screen or app in a new activity?

Im working on an app that requires the second screen to open in a new task separately and not inside the existing app. Every time I tried opening a app or screen using activity launcher it opens inside the same app not outside like a separate one. Does anyone know how can I fix this?
This is what I have tried so far:


I also tried using an activity launcher

You can’t open another screen except Screen1, however see below…

Use the activity starter correctly… follow the documentation, chapter “Using the activity starter with two App Inventor Apps”

To pass a startup text value to the App Inventor app you are starting with the Activity Starter, ise EXTRAS to set the KEY property to the string APP_INVENTOR_START and set the VALUE Property to the text you want to pass. The other app can then retrieve this value with Get Start Plain Text


Theoretically you also could use a startup value, check that value during Screen1 Initialize and open another screen, however in Kodular this does not work since a few years, because they never found it necessary to fix this bug [🎂 bug] Get Plain Start Text = *nothing* bug


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Basically here what I wanted to do is to open my second screen (Which is in the same app) called Window2 outside my app like a seperate activity because my app uses the stock android’s Freeform mode and I need Screen2 to basically open in a new freeform window like some other apps do in android 14. Is there any extention that will help me with Freeform windows?

I don’t think so, just do a search in the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps
if you follow my previous answer, you could do it (except of switching to Screen2 because of the Kodular bug, however in all other distributions it would work)

Thank you, I appreciate your help.

Try this using activity starter