How do I should do an app like that?

The point is, that I would like to make an app using Google Maps, but I have to add more than 100 thousand markers and I would like to show them this way (video below), what I mean is, when I am zooming more and more markers appear.

Do you have any idea/recommendation to do this?

2019-09-21 13-43-56.mp4 (4.1 MB)

check this link: Marker Clustering  |  Maps SDK for iOS  |  Google Developers
you can build it on web and show it with webviewer.

You could make markers visible in comparison to the zoomlevel.


If zoomlevel = 15 then generate markers etc etc.

If you would like to have numbers in markers then you have to use custom markers and that is not possible at the moment. That is something i hope will be added.

This is the android version


So there is no way to do it in Kodular, is there?

So I want to be Google Maps Android Marker Clustering Utility added to Kodular.

And do you have any idea to display a lot of markers without phone lagging, I mean a solution like this “Clustering”?

Did you see this?