How To check Firebase Values [Numbers] Using Math

I need to get pre-stored value in firebase and check it using greater than block

Not working Blocks:

blocks (2)



(I can get the value but it’s not working with math)


Can you explain what are you trying to do here?

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I need to check

If (Firebase value > 10)


Function Here

Is the value getting or not?

Value getting problem with

If Condition

I heard someone say string / integer But i have no idea

No not that you need to check if the value from firebase is getting called or not.

Successfully Recive to my app i also set it as a label

Ok then use block from math because you are trying a wrong formula. You can’t compare integer with string

Any suggestion ?

Just use the block from math.

Not working :frowning:


Problem with firebase or in my block?

What did you use?

If you are getting the value from the firebase successfully then firebase is not the issue.

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Okay Thanks I think that problem is with my blocks

Can you perfrom do it result on global value ?

Because you have not shown where did you call value from firebase database 2

Was that value called before clicking withdrawl ?

Yes he didn’t show if he is getting the data successfully called or not.

All Blocks