How to convert number to arabic words

You can use this simple extension developed by me
ArabicNumbersKodular.aix (12.6 KB)

Parameters (String,boolean)

Excellent, but there is a repetition in a million. The first word is correct and the second is wrong. Why is it repeated in a million?

This word should only be deleted : مليوناً

And after the examination, I found a second error, number 1 and 2, for which no text appears, and the rest of the numbers work correctly

Hello my friend, I am still waiting for your update

with decimal

Like this? added currency at the end (check the demo)

we can remove the curency if no need

remove the curency
Good job, send me the file so I can try

I am waiting … I hope to complete the work

Is it corrected now?

Am i set the names correctly?

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Excellent , When does it end because I need it

let me create a new topic for this and will put a link for it… because earlier i have shared a extension within the post by without notice it was deleted, (checking validity of password extension)


Please get it from here

After the examination, everything is perfect, but after writing certain numbers, null appears

Why ?

Let me see… the code was hardly written due to different language and currency pattern . This is caused while parsing the text… i didnt test the numbers like this… that excess zeros gives this error. Later will fix it. This is happen after using almost greater than 5 or 6 zeros

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Ok, I am waiting, excellent work

i can work upto this mark… harder to go on further… else it will take more time to do so

Check up Is this correct?

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Excellent, good job, thank you
Send the file to try it

Pls check up in the topic, there i have added the version 2 [Free]Numbers To Arabic Text here

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Thank you excellent job

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