for APK:
for Companion:
for APK:
for Companion:
i don’t understand what you mean ?
what changes i need
i try this but not working
need label or text box text
images copy success but image not show in my gallery
You have to use the galleryrefresh block from this extension.
Why not try for yourself and see what works and not. That is the fun of learning.
put the galleryresh block behind the copyasyncblock.
it does not make much sense to refresh a file, which is still in the process of copying…
what about using the Copied event, which will be fired after the file has been copied successfully and use the GalleryRefresh method there?
Brain fart. It is a asyncblock.
@bodymindpower this looks good…
but would look better, if
You are correct as always!
but .GalleryRefresh has no effect on displaying the image in the gallery.
Eagle eye
(I copied & pasted too much)
copyFromAssets_via_ListViewSelection2.apk (5.1 MB)
copyFromAssets_via_ListViewSelection2.aia (66.0 KB)
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