How to create follow and unfollow system like instagram? is it possible

how to create follow and unfollow system like instagram? is it possible

Have you tried anythings ?

Yes possible,
Step1:- Use google auth or any other method to login user and store the gmail in tinydb. And also in airtable or firebase but at this time i am explaining you with airtable.

Step2:- when follow button click then get that column in which you save the gmail and then follow below:-

  • When you gmail then you have update the value of the cell of that column with followers.
  • Now use join block and join all the textbox and between two textbox you have to use ; and yes in second you have to store how many people you followed and then set in airtable.We are creating a list in one cell. Examples below:-
    gmail;1;Tips and Tricks Generator

Step3:- Now when calling data

  • Call the column use split at block, split at ; then if gmail match then set global No. Variable to select index from list list ‘’‘textbox splitted’’’ index ‘’‘2’’’ then
  • if global No. Variable = 0 then No. Followers and if it is not equal to 0 then set labels to select index from list list ‘’‘textbox splitted’’’ index ‘’‘3’’’.

And so on you can use your logic, by the way I am also creating followers system in my app.

Note:- If you got your answer from my post then set my post as a answer.


What is your app and what have to user to follow~

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