How to do text to list in Kodular? (delimit by a specific character)

Hi! After a long time I am back on building apps :slight_smile:

I was wondering if it’s possible to do something like this in Kodular by in-built blocks/or any extension -

(snippet from Blockly > ‘Lists’ on GitHub)

For example if I set the text parameter to “a|b|c|d|e” and delimiter to “|”, I should get a list like (below image) so I could work with it further using the built-in List blocks.


Is this possible to do? I would be okay if I have to use any extension too.
Kindly guide… Thanks! :slight_smile:

P.S. I tried searching on the community for this before posting, but I was unable to find relevant results… :neutral_face:

Do this with default text blocks ni extension needed you can make it easily

Thanks for replying! Could you please link any blocks that might help? I am unable to find them…

Ok pm me I’ll

Simply use split text at | in order to create list


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Thank you so much @dora_paz , this would work perfectly for me :slight_smile:

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But this is only for custom text :sweat_smile:

Also if you want to join use



Perfect! Thanks again @dora_paz

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Better you can try with for each from 1 to length of text

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