How to get row no. of a given data

There is no direct method to know the row number. Either you need to add formula col next to any row to generate auto numbering system in airtable list or get any col data from airtable and put it in any listview . Upon selecting an item from this listview just use selection index

please tell in detail and send blocks also , I am newbie

Show your airtable structure

Then you did wrong somewhere . Because, Always airtable returns every col data as a list only

but i dont want to show that list tu users
why you want airtable structure
can i get airtable data as variable

can anyone describe this

This is what we said earlier. First you need to download the user names col . Then by using index in list you can set values

please send blocks

pls show us your screen init blocks (sample)

It didn’t work , any other answer
You should first verify your blocks and then post

Show us first this suggestion doesnot work…

I(already enough details were provided, there is no direct method to find exact row number of an item from airtable. O ly two methods possible. 1. Creating row number in AT itself or by using index is in list in app)

If possible try to understand

As i told you I dont want to show airtable data to users
I just want to get row no. To show only his data to the user

If using index in list will not show the data to users than can you please explain how to set up that and send pics of blocks for that

It clearly says how did you understand. The above example shows, how i am taking the values… It is your bound duty to work this function using variables and proceed further…

Get col list, store it in variable
Get name of the user who sign up or sign in blabb blabb… then by using index is in list take the number in variable and do the rest work.

The above screenshot says we can take the row number (indirectly) it is not compulsory to show to users. Here i showed to you Only and not to users

Not working

clearly it says either you have not filled your api key or base id or table name or table view or coloumn name properly

Or he may left any blank data you forgot to add this to your point @Still-learning :sweat_smile:

No everything is correct
If I create a new row it works but this code is not working
It is not getting values
Please help

Is your list element visibility is on?

Yes if i myself enter value of variable value then it shows
But it dont show airtable data automatically

Show ur AT struture