How to make horizontal listview

I want to ask if there any way to make a dynamic horizontal layout like playstore ui ,

learn from experiment:
try-use horizontalscroll arrangement and use dynamics cards

Dynamic CardView cannot be used with a horizontal Arrangement as far as I know :thinking:

but the blocks attached without any issue?

let me find something else too…

found an extension[Paid]:

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From here there are three paths:

1_The DeepHost Custom ListView extension: This also has an AppStore Design

2_The Horizontal RecycleView extension of @Kus_Zab

3_Create it yourself with normal cards using the copy component function

I don’t have 15 € ,

I don’t think that was the safe way to buy a extension.

then you must try what i suggested you in first reply, if you win you will save money, if you failed you will loose nothing :slightly_smiling_face:

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DeepHost Custom ListView (With AppStore Layout) extension does not cost more than 3USD in the application of it

I have tried same thing with dynamic image but it shows some errors , and in this type i have to add many blocks for dynamic card.

I have buyed that , but i need big image , but in that it is mandatory to add title but i don;t want to add a title

What if you add title with empty text block?

It don’t show the image