How to make photo uploading app

How can i make ann app where user can upload photo and they will save that photo on their device.My app will already have presets with motivational line and user will upload their photo at the side of motivational line and save or share

on their device.

Use cloudinary and spreadsheet.

you can use firebase

Extension component tô image

Which extension?

no bro this extension is not working for this

@jerin_jacob extension component to image search on the forum

If you want to save the image in the user’s device then use
AND TAIFUN FILES extension to upload image to your app and save it in a folder you want !!

Hope this helped you !!

This extension? [FREE] Extension ComponentToImage
Why doesn’t it work?
It works very well for me in about 3 ou 4 projects.

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See my last comment.

@(Profile - Aravind_chowdary_app - Kodular Community) are you sure this work? He doesn’t want just save an image. He needs to save the image selected by the user and the text typed by the user as a new image.

If you want to save the image in the user’s device then use
AND TAIFUN FILES extension to upload image to your app and save it in a folder you want !!

Yeah, It works