How to receive shared image and display it?

Firstly, I would like to tell that I am new with the share received feature…

Suppose, I captured a screenshot, and I am currently in Photo Gallery. Now, I would like to share the screenshot to my app, so it would just display it in an image component.

I read many topics, but couldn’t find one helpful. Your help would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks! :blush:

Setting up file-sharing is easy and takes only a few steps:

  1. Select the file types you’d like your app to accept from other apps (Screen1 Properties)

  2. Capture the shared file with this block:

You can then handle the file just like you’d treat any other variable (upload to a database, put a shared image in a canvas for editing, etc.)


Hi, @Vishwas! :wave:
Thanks a lot for your help! :slight_smile:

I followed your given steps, and nothing showed up on the image component. These are my blocks -


Am I doing anything wrong?

Thanks! :blush:

I’m not sure. Perhaps @Mika will be able to help you out better as he’s the author of the feature


Thanks, @Vishwas!

Let’s wait for @Mika.

Thanks! :blush:

Maybe you should first check the content of the “value” parameter as example inside a label.

Also you should first do a check which type the shared data is.
Example it does not make sense to receive text and your app tries to set it as image (Which will not work).


Hi, @Mika! :wave:
Thanks for your reply! :slight_smile:

I tried to display both type & value parameters through these blocks -


The label displayed,

2 , /external/images/media/1219

I think the 2 indicates it’s an image, as this hint says -


What is that /external/ … thing?

Thanks a lot! :blush:

That’s the path to the received image.
Maybe you need to add some other words in front of it that it works correct for the picture.

Can’t help you much. Iam at work.

You should look here.
Maybe there is the answer

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@Taifun has already confirmed that it is content uri and you have to convert it to file path to make it work.

@vknow360 How?

I edited my answer above.
There are linked two topics now.

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Either using TaifunFile or FileTools.

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Thanks @mika! :blush: I’ll definitely read and let here know if it helped.

@vknow360 I am not familiar with TaifunFile extension, but with yours. Can you guide me?

Edit - Is this the appropriate block?


Thanks! :blush:

Have you tried this (I dont talk about using a extension):
“file:///storage/emulated/0/” + value ?


Hi, @Mika! :wave:

I tried, still nothing appearing.


Thanks! :blush:

Then you should try to use a extension for it.

Probably yes, attach value block to it and it should give you the path

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Yes that is the block I was talking about.

:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


@Boban let me try.

Thanks! :blush: