How to Save PDF and hidden in cache or ASD online then open it in App offline

How to Save PDF and hidden in cache or ASD online then open it in App offline

Dear koders
is there any way to save file in cache then use it later when the network offline?

i tried use TaifunFile but i don’t know how this extension work with PDF file(i have used this extension recently to save image in cache).

because i don’t want to see the pdf in the storage emulated in storage …if i use this way maybe i need to encrypt pdf then decrypt it while open
then re encrypt pdf after open :slightly_smiling_face:

iam using Recycler view to show what pdf in list

how can TaifunFile extension help me in this case ? because the app is dynamic.


Yes, just store the pdf in ASD and later view it from there. Where exactly do you have problems? Where does the pdf come from?

What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks?
