How to Show ColinListView Data using Google Sheets instead of Airtable?

Hello Coders,

I have1 question that how to show colinlistview using google sheets instead of airtable.

I don’t want to use airtable I want to use google sheets data but I don’t know how to show data in colinlistview.

Please, Anyone, Solve my Queries

Same way as you do with airtable, save data from google spreadsheet to global lists, then create a global list of lists and then use it to set colintree list, for example


Like you are saying that instead of get Show_list I have to use my google sheets global variables like that

IT will not working on my aia file I don’t why it not working when I do it then it will not showing any data in colinlistview

See this is my block that how I connect but when use do it it does not show any data on it

Can I have some mistakes in connecting a block?


Thanks Dora Now I can see my data and I also learn new things about google sheet that how to show data and get data in google sheets easily in colinlistview, listview etc…


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