When I click on List view can I show Colinlist view from google sheets & How?

Hello Coders,

I have 1 Question and small Doubt:

When I click on card view I have shown list view from google sheets now my question is when I click on list view so i want to show colin list view from google sheets. So it is possible to do because when i click on card view I have shown a list view from google sheet now I want to show a colinlistview when I click on listview.

As I have try so much But I am in stuck in these problems.

This is my screenshots of block section:

Do you use both ListView and ColinTree ? If not you should use When ColinTree.ElementClick bock and index is elementIndex.


No I have used List view and in list view when anyone click on listview of any numbers then want to show colinlistview where I have just initialize in vertical arrangement. So How can I do that when anyone click on listview I want to show colinlistview from google sheets


But When I click on List view so I face this type of error. Where I have done mistakes

As I have find error and also got second error

Show global stavan1 blocks


This is not a list, you have to use either make a list block or make a list from csv row text block


but when I remove a join block then also I face same error and I have also use list from csv row text block then also it show same error

Use make a list block and add different url’s (google spreadsheets) as shown above

@dora can you please tell me why are you have used row instead of table in list from csv row text


why can we call data from list from csv table text?

I am little bit confused…