How to store hindi languge in mysql databse

Now i understand all errors!

error are not coming when add single word data in columns don,t matter hindi or engllish work fine.
but when i add multiple line and multiple words text in columns then i got index issue.i find the exast problem now.

see app is working correctly but if add more then one word in mysql column then i got list index issues.but full data is comming if i store 10 words in tittle column then 10 words are get while fetching data i text this with label but when i store this value to list then i got index issue!so problem in indexing or adding value to list from comming data

Friend, why store 10 words in a field? Field is a column where we store the same type of information. So if you want to store 10 titles you will have to create 10 records that represent 10 rows in the database table.


Ok then use Bloob data type instead of text data type
Your problem will get fixed
I aslo have faced this issue once Changing to bloob is the perfect solution :wink:

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But the bloob? Varchar accepts. But I don’t think I understand what he’s trying to do. I understand that he is confusing columns with lists.
10 títles in one column ? Issues Index ?
Don’t you think so too?

Field type bloob…
But does he really want a 10-line in title? My God, we’ve been talking about UTF-8 for hours … and it wasn’t like that … :grin:

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No no his problem is whenever he tries to save a text of length of more than one words he is unable to get them in his specific index instead the retured text get mixed or something like this
But when he tries to save only one word it works

Actually this problem is very odd but i also have faced this one and it can only be solved by two methods
method 1
Use text encoding and decoding
(m using thiz and it works fine and text encryption is also recommended if u want to save your data)

Method 2
Use Blood data type it aslo has the ability to solve the issue

Because of the language with special characters? I never saw that … :grin:
“Gone with the Wind”

That is same words ?

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No no it is not related to special characters its related to spaces between text

If text is long and contains a larger number of spaces then it happens
And it also related to pho my admin
Because in some hostings i saw it is not an issue but in some it happens i
And ts very odd behavior

I don’t know hindi so can’t say anything!!

Okay … it hasn’t happened to me yet … really weird …

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Let’s seee… Btw its interesting… And topics like thses let us learn a lot of new and amazing things

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Free hosts?

No m using a paid one it shows thia error
But i think 000webhost that’s free but it doesn’t show this error ( i didn’t remember exactly but probably it worked fine… )

See here in this thread i asked at that time about the vary same issue

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I’m researching … I haven’t found anything yet … in Google
“text is long and contains a larger number of spaces”
But … finally, the solutions you have already shown what they are. :smiley:

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Ohhhhh ! :scream:
This is a poem, a book with chr(13)… within a varchar field it will give problems.
Blob Field Solution !

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No its not varchar
Its text filed

Is not it!??!! :roll_eyes:

:nerd_face: We used to say them “jugards” (in punjabi language ) :joy:
But i guarantee they work​:lock_with_ink_pen::smirk:

I already answered above that you already gave as solutions. :+1:
I didn’t understand the emoticon.

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Yes i know s!r… I just write it again because i was providing full set of my solutions…

And the emotion is because i think as you are saying that its a wrong solution so i add that emotion instead of question mark
I really like this emoticon because its eyes and way of seeing is cool :nerd_face:

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