HtmlViewer Extension anycode Viewer ⚠ [FREE]

HtmlViwer Extention

View the code result in app

Supported codes languages

  1. Html
  2. CSS
  3. Java (Script)

Blocks Image

component_method (7)

This blocks is use for set code Html Css Java to run on command

component_method (1)
This Block is use for Run set codes

component_method (6)
This Block is use for Run only js code

this block is used for clear response

this block is use for get the java Console log

component_method (2)
This block is used

component_method (4)
This block is use for set only html content

component_method (3)
This block is only for css content

component_method (8)
this block is use for set the result viewer arrangement

Made by Shyamal Singh Silktune

Don't click here

If you Like my work & Extention than please give a like

The Next Extention on
  • Monetag AD
  • Advance Animation Extention
  • photo to ai avtar
  • YouTube data fetcher

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Download from here
HtmlViewer.aix (11.4 KB)


Hi, it would seem very interesting, could you also provide a test application or at least some screenshots of the blocks

Sure ! i will add and edit post


Nice @silktune :+1:

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