I'm trying to set horizontal arrangement in dynamic components plugin but it doesn't work

Hi, I created a Horizontal Arrangement in this plugin and was able to set Vertical Align but it doesn’t work even though I changed the Horizontal Alignment setting.

Extension : [F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.2.2

if you are trying to set this property inside any vertical arrange, i hope it wont obey… pls check up

It appears at the top, I think I’m doing it right

you are mistake… instead of continuing with dynamic component why did you add default dynamic card and label and all? i feel it wont support you… just continue with dynamic component exten itself man

eg. see , i have added ref image

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I would recommend you to make your whole design with the extension. Also, you used the Add Component To Card View block with number variable as id. However, you didn’t created that card view till that block. You should also use unique id for each component as it will easy to handle multiple components.


thank you I’ll try

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