Inquired about admob banner

Is there a problem to put 2 admob banner in one screen ?


What I mean here by the problem is: -
1- Problem loading ads
2- A problem with Google policies when I upload the application to the Google Play Store

The biggest problem will be keeping users. They might be turned off once they know you are creating an app for earning money instead of serving them.

Is there another problem?

Why don’t you go through with this guide??

He says that the number does not exceed or equal to 2
And I put down 2
Is there a problem with this ?

No… suppose if you plan for multiple screens and if you planned to use one ad unit ID on all screens (there are no restrictions but,) it will not be good for your Admob Account, like there will be high CTR issues, so, use new ad unit id on each screen

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Thanks for the advice

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