Install apk on my app

How can I, from an apk already selected with activity starter, open the dialog box to install it? is there an activity starter action to do this or an extension?

EDIT: I found a method with activity starter, but I read that it doesn’t work for android 10 however there is a way to make it work anyway that I didn’t understand. could you explain it to me?

Wait What?!?!

i want to install an apk (android app installation file) from my app.

@Taifun plz help me :slight_smile:

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you don’t understand, I want to do something else

But What About This?

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I would like to install another android app from my android app with activity starter.

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your response is not relevant to the topic, open another post. thank you.

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What are your block you have to get apk file path or you can install it from assets

mine is saying that it is necessary to have root to access the installation in the download directory, I can’t carry out the direct installation through the application, how can I fix this?

Which Android version are you using for your tests?
Please also provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks…


Android 11 e Android 7.1.2

this is the error i am facing

Your path to the file is incorrect…
Correct would be file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/yourFilename.apk
You also forgot to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks…
